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LESLIE – Ethereum’s Official Mascot

Leslie, a creation of the Ethereum Foundation, hails as the official mascot of ETH 2.0, with his namesake being a tribute to renowned computer scientist Leslie Lamport.

The usage and narrative of Leslie appears on Ethereum’s official website, within the staking section:

With Ethereum’s pivotal transition from Proof-of-Work to Proof-of-Stake, Leslie envisions a paradigm shift where an increasing number of investors will come to value staking as a preferable strategy over merely holding their ETH.

Though its bombshell narrative alone may be seen as having the biggest potential on the Ethereum chain, $LESLIE will transition outside the box of how typical memecoins operate and become an impressive standalone project.

The CA was released in the latter half of November 2023. It quickly reached an ATH market cap nearing $1.5 million USD before the dev rugged the community, took all profits, and left no trace… all within 2 days after $LESLIE’s launch.

Realizing the potential of an ETH mascot, a handful of blindsided community members had the foresight to carry on the narrative by assuming control of the project.

Through painstaking efforts to regain full control of the socials & token itself, as well as enduring a long waiting period of ensuring all possible risks to the project’s healthy success have been eliminated, the community then went into action.

From an all-time low market cap of around $25k USD, the community revived the project, while bringing in friends and new investors who all wanted the same thing; a bullishly safe hold. This group represents the core holders of the community, who hodl with dedication to see Leslie’s success reach the top-coins list.

The reality of this goal has groundwork already laid by the OG members, who have also created a multi-signature wallet that contains a large donated amount of the token’s supply. This well-guarded treasure chest can only be activated through a fair process of DAO voting, such as voting on eventual CEX listings, additional project initiatives, and more.

– 100% community driven after first mover OG CTO.

– Weekly raiding rewards for the community.

– Weekly donations to rhino conservation charities, and rhino adoptions!

– Community multi-signature wallet, which controls a large portion of the supply.

The realization of a project which continually engages investors and has a real-world function is on the short-term horizon.

Crypto enthusiasts should expect nothing less from the one and only mascot of Ethereum.

Without revealing too much, leaving the surprise for when the time comes to unveil all the background work, it is important to mention that the OG community members are in the final stages of creating an entire ecosystem.

The key to creating long-term value resides in the team’s unveiling of a whole environment that has everything needed to build success and attract crypto enthusiasts. This ecosystem will provide:

– A burn mechanism to ensure the value of tokens in circulation increase over time.

– Web3 tech to support the main utility and token circulation processes ($LESLIE bot).

– A revenue stream for the project, aimed to fuel future marketing endeavors, buybacks, or other actions that will support the project’s growth.

– More possibility of rewards for the most engaged community members.

– More charitable actions, mainly based on supporting rhino conservation foundations.

At the center of this comes the main utility to be revealed as soon as the structure is finished and launched. The goal is for the whole crypto space to witness the real charge of the solid rhino.

The main OG community members confirm they are now in the final stages of development. Join the Leslie community, check it out, ask any questions you may have, and enjoy the ride!

Beware of the many dead & inactive, short-lived pump-&-dump copycat Leslie tokens that have been created over time. All have been driven to dust by the scammers who created them, while leaving no support nor respect for those dwindling investors that still hold some tokens.

One thing is certain: No other copycat will ever be creating the bullish value that is about to be unveiled for Leslie.

Find the OG Leslie details below: 

ERC-20 Token – CA renounced – Liq. burnt – 0/0 Tax.

Token CA: 0xcc9e0bd9438ca0056653d134de794abeaff8c676

Burnt LP TX: 0xfa78429e4e05db351536625ab4213f9f2a2d386b517c9dce6f702d8a9893cce7

CA Renounce TX:


Marketing and community wallet: LeslieDAO.eth

Charity wallet: lesliecharityfund.eth



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